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Showing posts from June, 2012

8 months later.... Functioning Chaos

Wow, its been awhile. Its been a crazy 8 months, I can tell you that. Now... let me think of something profound and interesting to share with you..... Well, not much update on my Craftyness. I still haven't found much time to create all the things on my to-do list. At one point I was frustrated that I couldn't work on those things, but not so much anymore. Yes, there are projects I would love to do, but my time is needed for other things. I would much rather run around in the sprinkler with my kids on my day off. And when they're napping, Im going to nap too. I work hard when I'm at work so when I'm home, I'm going to relax. I put way too much pressure on myself to be the 'artsy-crafty-stay-at-home-mom type. While I would LOVE to be that, I'm not right now. And I'm OK with that. That's one thing I've been working on the last 8 months; focusing living in the "now" instead of the 'I'll be happy when...'.  Right now, I...