Well, so far I haven't worked on my "craftyness", but my sewing machine is set up and ready to go. Last week I was very blessed by my husband. I was relaxing on the couch after the kids went to bed. Adam was back in the bedroom. He said he was getting his dress clothes in the laundry for next week. After a little while he came out and told me he had a surprise. He had gotten a table from the basement (one I was convinced wouldn't fit on our bedroom) and set it up in our room. He even got my sewing machine out and all ready to go!
Unfortunately I haven't had time to use it (and I'm not making excuses). Today I started a new job at Great Clips. I'll be working about 34 hrs a week. For now I am also still cleaning to post office. I am hoping to keep the post office until the end of April. We are getting back on track with our "Total Money Makeover" so I'm hoping to get our "Baby Step 1" established within the month.
I did however have a victory yesterday that showed me that I have grown since I started this journey. I made a (what I thought would be) a quick trip to the gas station for some fountain drinks. While inside, the guy behind me in line says, "Who has the blue car out there?" Me- "The scion? Thats mine" Guy-Someone just bumped into it" I hurried and paid for my stuff and went out the check it out. It was more than a "bump". Someone backed into me, but he was backing up pretty fast. Luckily he was still there, waiting for me. I kept my cool, got all the information from the driver of the car, and headed home. Jane, still in crisis mode, would have be crying and thinking of the every possible thing that could go wrong- How am I going to have time to get this fixed? What if this kids insurance doesn't pay for it? How am I going to get to work if this car is in the shop....etc. But none of that was going through my head. I was slightly nervous out about telling my husband, who loves this car, but other than that I was fine. I even told the kid, "Stuff happens". I know it will get fixed, and Ill still get to work when I need to and everything will be fine. Its not a crisis.
Unfortunately I haven't had time to use it (and I'm not making excuses). Today I started a new job at Great Clips. I'll be working about 34 hrs a week. For now I am also still cleaning to post office. I am hoping to keep the post office until the end of April. We are getting back on track with our "Total Money Makeover" so I'm hoping to get our "Baby Step 1" established within the month.
I did however have a victory yesterday that showed me that I have grown since I started this journey. I made a (what I thought would be) a quick trip to the gas station for some fountain drinks. While inside, the guy behind me in line says, "Who has the blue car out there?" Me- "The scion? Thats mine" Guy-Someone just bumped into it" I hurried and paid for my stuff and went out the check it out. It was more than a "bump". Someone backed into me, but he was backing up pretty fast. Luckily he was still there, waiting for me. I kept my cool, got all the information from the driver of the car, and headed home. Jane, still in crisis mode, would have be crying and thinking of the every possible thing that could go wrong- How am I going to have time to get this fixed? What if this kids insurance doesn't pay for it? How am I going to get to work if this car is in the shop....etc. But none of that was going through my head. I was slightly nervous out about telling my husband, who loves this car, but other than that I was fine. I even told the kid, "Stuff happens". I know it will get fixed, and Ill still get to work when I need to and everything will be fine. Its not a crisis.
That is a pretty cool testimony Jane. Not sure I would have handled it so calmly.