Pardon me while I rant....
One morning, after a particularly rough night with 'baby who doesn't love sleep', I helped get the kids out the door to school and sat down on the couch. I decided to zone out via Pinterest while I nursed for the umpteenth time in the last 8 hours. The following is a sampling from my Pinterest feed:
10 mistakes all new parents make
6 things to stop saying to your toddler.
5 responses that are hurting your child.
Why you should never tell you child to "hurry up"
Are you causing your child to misbehave?
I could go on. But you get the point. I found myself reflecting on my morning based on the tiles of these pins alone. I didn't even read the articles. "We're my responses too harsh because I'm overly tired? Did I tell them to hurry up because we overslept? I think I did. What mistakes am I making to cause this baby not to sleep? ".... Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera. One scroll through Pinterest took me from 'Im tired " to "I'm a horrible Mom who's rushing her kids around because I'm too disorganized and always running late and I'm exhausted because I can't figure out how to get this baby to sleep and it must be something I'm doing wrong. If I could just do better than he would sleep and I could be a better mom." Woah. See what I did there? Mom guilt. Self blame. Yikes. This is how my entire day was going to go from this point on. In fact, this is how most days go. Baby doesn't sleep, I search on Pinterest how to get baby to sleep. I read all the things I'm doing, some right, most wrong (according to the 'experts'). Then while I'm on there and already feeling guilty, I scroll through my feed and see all these cool projects I'm not doing with my kids. All these articles of things I'm not doing to be a better mom. Fitness workouts, healthy eating habits, all things I'm not doing. Everyday. Wave after wave of not being a Pinterest Mom. So I decided I'm done. Sorry Pinterest. It's over. I've deleted the app from my phone. It's not you, it's me. During this season of my life I just can't handle seeing all the things I'm not doing. I'm not in a place where I'm confident and content with the things I'm not doing. Pinterest doesn't help me do those things, it just makes me feel bad about not doing them. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I think it's a great resource..... but so is google. And if I want to look something up I will Google it.. and it will probably bring me to pinterest. But at least I won't be scrolling through my feed. And some day when I can look at an article or a craft and simply think, "that's a great idea" rather than, "I'm a horrible mom because I don't do that" then I will probably make up with Pinterest. For now, I think it's best we go our separate ways.
End rant...
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And you are an amazing momma with really cool kids!!!!